Exhibitions, splendid receptions, glittering parties, formal dinners and concerts will take place in this guest-house of an Art Nouveau villa close to Riga’s seaside on the Baltic Sea. The result has not however been a magnificent building in the tradition of the 19th century, but the local building tradition of timber constructions has been chosen, used in a modern fashion.
The plan is strictly axial symmetric. The central part in the axis is formed by a sequence from the foyer, to an atrium underneath a glass roof and finally a large dining hall, terminating in a garden courtyard embraced by lateral buildings and a central decorative basin with a waterfall. Two building bars flank the central part, accommodating the exhibition areas, a billiard room as well as two guest apartments and additionally the staff and secondary rooms on the upper level.
The whole building is designed as a timber construction from Canadian larch wood; the roof surface from mono-pitched and saddle roof is cladded with sheet zinc.
An event and tennis hall as well as an extensive garden and leisure complex with guest-houses are planned in further construction stages.
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