Every exhibition is a fair, architectural excitement and enacted presentations exceed one another in variety and an incessant flood of stimuli. Contrary to this, the two-storey "Philips Licht AG" pavilion is intended to be a contemplative counterpart.
The external closure arouses the public’s curiosity and offers open spaces for the visitor internally. The attention of the viewer is exclusively drawn to the exhibits.
The appearance of the pavilion is structurally simple and clear, reduced to a few materials, precise in detail. Its unmistakable appearance will ensure, that the Philips exhibition stand will be remembered beyond the short exhibition period.
Construction system
The pavilion is constructed from a modular system with limited elements. The elementary system is based on a grid dimension of 3,00 m in the x-, y- and z-axis.
The primary structure consists of a frame system, bending stiff joints providing the required support.
The secondary structure consists of exchangeable infills. According to the spatial design, these infills can be made from open or closed, transparent or translucent, self-illuminating or illuminated elements.
As a symbol for the Philips firm, which was one of the first to develop light-bulbs and is presently world-wide market leader, walls and separating elements are made from stacked Philips-bulbs (clear), sandwiched between two safety glass panes with a steel frame.
During the presentation on the Hanover Fair in 1999, the walls were filled with a total of 110,000 light-bulbs.
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